Join us as four professors from the University of Baltimore School of Law present a series of legal case studies focusing on some of the most influential and widely discussed court decisions in American history. The cases debate the proper way to identify a suspect, whether children can be searched at school, the significance of fugitive slave cases, and the tug of war between equality and religious liberty. Who were the parties and what was at stake? What were the major points of the cases and why did the courts rule the way they did? How have these decisions affected similar disputes since those rulings? Would a jury today reach the same conclusion? Join us as we embark on a legal journey to discover the surprising foundations of modern United States case law.
Mark Croatti, course coordinator and moderator
A detailed description of the cases and the professors leading the discussions is online.
910.783.01 Homewood Campus Monday, April 3 to May 1, 7 to 8:30 p.m. No class April 10. Cost: $139 (four sessions)
JHU full-time faculty/staff are eligible for 80 percent tuition remission. You will be unable to register online and receive the discount. Contact 410-516-8516 for more information.