JHU Data Management Services provides guidance, education, and training on best practices in data management and offers research data archiving and sharing services. In the past, all our training sessions have been offered only as in-person trainings. While we will continue to provide these types of trainings, we are now offering Preparing Your Data Management Plan in an online format.
Funders are increasingly requiring data management or sharing plans in the proposal, and researchers will benefit from the 24-hour availability of these materials. The course consists of 10 mini-modules focused on different aspects of preparing a data management plan. You can view the complete course (60 minutes total), or watch only the mini-modules relevant to your needs.
The Preparing Your Data Management Plan online course can be accessed through Blackboard.
Getting ready to write a data management plan? Contact JHU Data Management Services for free, personal consulting on your plan or if you would like us to review a draft: datamanagement@jhu.edu.
For further information on JHU Data Management Services please visit our website.