Docent training classes will be held at the museum on five consecutive Wednesdays, from 9 a.m. to noon on Feb. 1, 8, 15, and 22 and March 1. Attendance at each session is requested, and participants are invited to bring a bag lunch and stay to study the collection at the conclusion of each class. Volunteers who successfully complete the training will be expected to commit to working a minimum of four hours per month.
Training, provided by the museum staff, will include lectures and readings on Baltimore in the Federal era, Carroll family history, and Federal-style architecture and decorative arts. New guides will also learn about museum practices and will be taught techniques for presenting the house to visitors.
To request a volunteer application and reserve a space in the upcoming training sessions or for additional information, please call Barbara St. Ours at Homewood Museum at 410-516-5589 or email
Homewood's volunteers join the intellectual life at Johns Hopkins, with opportunities for additional training, and are invited to social events, openings, lectures, and tours of other historic sites. Visit Homewood online.