With the aid of visuals and videos from NASA and JHU Space Telescope Science Institute; we explore the basic structures of physical reality from quantum to cosmic scales: the uncanny correspondences on a scale from quadrillionths to quadrillions of meters, and the symmetries underlying these patterns. We begin by interrogating scientific definitions of "reality" and analyze the terms time, energy, space, matter, and quantum space-time as these are used in physics today. We review current theories of how the universe came to be 13.75 billions years ago, from a fraction of a quadrillionth of a meter, expanding to 125 billion galaxies, a trillion stars, and billions of solar systems, and we explore the cosmic story of spaceship Earth, from its galatic origins to its likely future.
Eight-session course will be held Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. from Oct. 24 to Dec. 12; Cost is $192 (8 sessions)
JHU full-time faculty/staff are eligible for 80% tuition remission. Spouse/same-sex domestic partners are eligible for 50% remission. You will be unable to register online and receive the discount. Contact 410-516-8516 for more information.