October is Campus Sustainability Month. Members of the JHU community are encouraged to examine and reduce their waste at home and at work this month. The Office of Sustainability is here to guide you with some helpful tips.
Darn those disposables! Americans use 50% of plastics only once and then throw them away. You've got the basics of choosing to reuse down with your reusable water bottle and to-go mug. Take the next step in reducing your waste with those items you might not have thought about: stainless steel straws, reusable mesh produce bags, durable Ziploc bags, bamboo utensils, or a plastic spork. Not only will you reduce your waste footprint at home and on campus, but items like these are more durable and enjoyable to use. Once you start noticing all the daily disposables that add up in our routines, you'll notice even more opportunities to go reusable.
Join the Office of Sustainability, student groups, Student Leadership & Involvement, and other partners in celebrating Campus Sustainability Month in October. Events, celebrations, and important sustainability initiatives will take place across the university. See the Sustainability Office website and Facebook page for full event details.