Registration is now open for the 2016 eScience Conference, to be held in Baltimore, Oct. 24-26, preceded by the ECW Workshop. Please note that Early Bird Registration ends Sept. 23. Late registration is open until and throughout the conference.
The IEEE 12th International Conference on eScience will explore the realms where big data and distributed computing fuse into data intensive science.
The 2016 eScience conference is hosted and sponsored by the Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science, Johns Hopkins University.
Conference Highlights and Links
Keynote talks by Natassa Ailamaki and more
The conference will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards, located in downtown Baltimore near Camden Yards.
Reserve your room at the conference's block rate by Sept. 23. More information is on the Accommodation page of the conference website.
More Links and Information
[Contact the eScience 2016 Helpdesk]:
Please forward this announcement to email lists of researchers who might be interested!
Hope to see you there!