Improve your Spanish language skills while studying abroad in Madrid. Students can earn credits toward a wide variety of majors in Arts and Sciences and in Engineering and learn about Spanish culture through host families and excursions throughout the country. Hopkins Madrid past participants will be at the info session to share their experiences and answer your questions!
Info session: 4 to 5 p.m., Friday, Sept. 23, Levering Conference Room A
Apply now for spring 2017: Information and applications are available at the Office of Study Abroad (Levering 04B) and on the web.
Application deadline: Oct. 1
More information:
Study Abroad website
Hopkins Madrid blog
Hopkins Madrid Facebook page
JHU Office of Study Abroad
Levering Hall, Suite 04B
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218-2685
410-516-7856 <>