Today's Announcements for Students has made a few changes to better serve students and those who may use it to get information out to the Homewood students. Some of those changes are listed below.
Why the changes?
- Better serve students
- Better serve submitters
- Integration with the Hub Events calendar (Student events will now be included in the Today's Announcements for Students.)
For students:
- Student announcements included with announcements for the entire university
- Student events listed on the Hub
For submitters:
- Same Today's Announcements submission form for students, faculty, and staff
Event vs. Announcement
An event is something that happens on a specific date, at a specific time, and in a specific location. Examples are concerts, speakers, theater performances, symposia. To submit an event: and under the student organization's Hopkins Groups page. If the event is a organization meeting, please submit those to Hopkins Groups, not the Hub.
An announcement is something more general that you want people around the university to know about. Examples are a new initiative (not an event), an ongoing canned food drive, or a research study. To submit an announcement:
More questions? Contact the Today's Announcements team at