The Office of Disability Services is looking for a student who:
- Takes legible, organized, and thorough notes, including diagrams and other visual aids when necessary.
- Has neat handwriting that is dark enough to reproduce well on a scanner, or who types notes on a computer.
- Includes pertinent information from lectures, as well as information written on the board, or found in presentations and demonstrations.
- Includes information about upcoming exams, quizzes, and paper or project due dates.
- Is reliable: Notes should be typed or scanned into PDF, and uploaded as close to the date and time of the class meetings as possible. If a notetaker is unable to attend class or turn in notes for a particular meeting, he or she should substitute a friend's notes, or alert the Disability Services Office right away.
This volunteer position comes with a thank you cash voucher valued at $25 a course credit (meaning a 3-credit course would pay $75 and a 4-credit course would pay $100).
If you are interested in helping a fellow student by becoming a notetaker, please visit the AIM portal or the SDS website. The AIM portal is integrated with the JHU authentication system, and you will use your JHU account credentials to log in.