Reminder: Mudd dock and lot closed Saturday, April 23, for crane mobilization

Due to the erection of a large crane for the upcoming Mudd/Levi/Biology Infrastructure Upgrade Project, the Mudd dock/lot, Bowman Drive west of the Hopkins Club upper lot, and the pedestrian path from Bloomberg to New Chemistry (the large stair) will be closed on Saturday, April 23, from 6 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m. Once in place, the crane will be utilized to place structural steel and equipment on the roof and in the penthouse of Mudd Hall.

The crane will remain in place for approximately three months, and pedestrians can expect sporadic, minor delays daily at the crossing between Bloomberg and New Chemistry during that time. Pedestrians will be stopped during equipment and material lifts by the crane and may want to consider alternate paths around the area, such as past UTL to White Walk.

Questions or concerns should be directed to Mike Sullivan, Sr. PM at JHFRE via email at