Do you have jaw muscle pain, trouble sleeping, and worry about your jaw pain?
If yes: Researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and University of Maryland Dental School are looking for volunteers with TMJD pain to participate in a research study to investigate the effects of three different types of treatment for pain and sleep symptoms of TMJD.
You may be eligible if you:
+ Are a woman
+ Are between 18 and 60 years of age
+ Have had jaw muscle pain for three months or more
+ Have trouble sleeping
This study involves:
+ Free TMJD evaluation
+ Interviews and questionnaires
+ Sensory testing
+ Blood draws
+ At-home sleep studies
+ Free non-medication pain management techniques for TMJD-related pain
All examinations, parking, and tests are provided at no cost. Compensation up to $650.
Please call today at 410-550-8099 or email
Jennifer Haythornthwaite, PhD, Principal Investigator
Protocol: NA 00070364
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine