Baltimore Dialogue with Kathryn Edin

Join the Urban Health Institute and Amazing Grace Lutheran Church for the next Baltimore Dialogue. Johns Hopkins Professor Kathryn Edin, co-author of the new book $2 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, will lead the discussion about life for Baltimore's poorest families.

WHEN: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21 WHERE: Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, 2424 McElderry St., Baltimore 21205 RSVP:

Kathryn Edin is one of the nation's leading poverty researchers. She is a founding member of the MacArthur Foundation–funded Network on Housing and Families with Young Children and a past member of the MacArthur Network on the Family and the Economy. Her current work explores key questions regarding welfare and work.