Blackboard 9.1 offers several tools to enhance course communication and collaboration. Learn how to manage course discussions; email students, TAs, and instructors through Blackboard; create groups for team assignments; and set up a course blog. We will also review some of the other tools available, including Blackboard's notification system, which automatically notifies course members of any changes to the course site.
Seating is limited; to register or for other Blackboard-related information, please visit the Blackboard website.
This workshop will be held at the Center for Educational Resources from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Aug. 12, 19, 26, and Sept. 2.
Please note: These training sessions are intended for full-time Homewood faculty, TAs, and staff who will be serving as administrators for a full-time KSAS or WSE Blackboard course.