Professional Development Workshops for June

Learning and Development, a division of Talent Management and Organization Development, has openings for workshops taking place in June, the last month of their spring schedule. Here's a brief description of the classes in date order.

Relationship Awareness Theory
Understanding the behavior that governs your interaction with others is the first step in reducing interpersonal conflict. This workshop will provide an understanding of your personal strength in relating to others when things are going well and when faced with disagreement that may produce conflict. Participants will learn more about their personal strengths and how to better leverage those strengths for effective action. Understand how the manner in which we behave during conflict impacts the way others respond to us and, ultimately, our relationships with them. Participants must complete the Strength Deployment Inventory, Portrait of Personal Strengths, and Portrait of Overdone Strengths online assessments one week prior to the workshop. Tuesday, June 2
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1101 E. 33rd Street, B102
Click here to register.

Basic Supervision
The most important part of any supervisor's job is keeping staff motivated. This workshop will give you the skills you need to increase communication and cooperation and improve productivity in any work group. Learn techniques to diffuse conflict, inspire employees, and motivate your team.
Wednesday, June 3
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1011 E. 33rd Street, Room B102
Click here to register.

Professional Medical Coding Training Module 7: Musculoskeletal Systems
The musculoskeletal system consists of muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments that provide movement, form, strength and protection. In this workshop, you will look at the components of muscles and bones that make up one of the most challenging systems to code. This course is a must for anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of orthopedic coding or wants to brush up on their MSK coding skills. Friday, June 5
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1011 E. 33rd Street, Room B102
Click here to register.

Effective Meetings and Presentations: How to Make an Impression That Makes a Difference
In this practical course, participants will strengthen their skills in delivering presentations and leading meetings by learning how to overcome nervousness; keep meetings and presentations on target, on time and on message; and deal with the unexpected. Recommended for anyone who leads committees, staff, project team, or problem-solving meetings. Thursday, June 11
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1011 E. 33rd Street, Room A120
Click here to register.

Success for Supervisors
This session is designed for the first time supervisor or those new to managing at Hopkins. Participants will explore the hiring process (recruiting, interviewing, and selection), the performance management cycle (planning, coaching, and evaluation), and gain awareness of disability service issues.
Thursday, June 11
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1011 E. 33rd Street, Room B102
Click here to register.

Executive Wisdom: A Workshop for Leaders on How to Anticipate the Future and Avoid the Mistakes of the Past
This workshop is designed to help individuals with leadership responsibilities understand how they can make wiser choices in the performance of their daily responsibilities. Participants will be introduced to concepts that describe and support the emergence of Executive Wisdom in individuals and the methods of Wisdom Mapping that can enable them to discern, plan, and act more efficiently in their positions. Friday, June 12
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1101 E. 33rd Street, B102
Click here to register.

It's Not Your Way or My Way, It's the Civil Way
This interactive workshop will discuss and demonstrate the value of benevolent words and behaviors. Participants will review P.M. Forni's suggested steps in achieving interpersonal competence and Whoopi Goldberg's observations on how the lack of civility is impacting the quality of our lives. Learn how civility and care can give you a competitive edge at work. Wednesday, June 17
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1101 E. 33rd Street, B101
Click here to register.

Professional Medical Coding Training
Module 3: Intro to ICD-9-CM 2013
This multiday workshop will review the ICD-9-C layout, Volume 1— the Tabular List and Volume 2 — the Alphabetic Index. Participants will take a pass through the ICD-9-CM guidelines for inpatient and outpatient services. A must-take course for new and experienced coders alike. Class exercises will be used to help strengthen coding skills. Participants must attend both days. Friday, June 19 and 26
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1101 E. 33rd Street, B102
Click here to register.

Campus Conversations on Diversity & Inclusion at Johns Hopkins University
This four-hour workshop will provide insight on how diversity and inclusion create value and show the importance of ensuring that all faculty, staff, and students are treated with equity, civility, and respect. Composed of exercises and scenarios, the workshop takes a multimedia approach in exploring perceptions of power, identity, and unconscious biases. Thursday, June 25
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1101 E. 33rd Street, A120
Click here to register.

To enroll for courses, click the link provided. Or click here and after logging in, go to the left navigation bar and click on Catalog. Type the course name in the Text Search box and click Search. Select the course title, select date, click Enroll Me, click Next, and click Done.

For additional information about these and other workshops, you can access our catalog for viewing or printing. Navigate to and click on the DOCS tab found on the right-hand side. Click on "Learning and Development Course Catalog" to open the PDF copy. To print a copy of the spring schedule, click on "Current Professional Development Workshops" to open the PDF copy of the spring schedule for viewing and printing.

Learning and Development classes are free if you qualify as a full- or part-time JHU employee and adhere to the class attendance policies. For additional information or assistance with enrolling, you can contact us by calling our main phone line at 443-997-6800 or by email at