Traffic delays on Wyman Park Drive next week

Between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day next week, a crane and 16 modular building units will be arriving at the Homewood Early Learning Center site on Wyman Park Drive at Carnegie Way. Traffic on both streets may be briefly delayed as the crane and the modular units are maneuvered onto the site.

The crane will arrive on Monday, April 20. The modular units, each 60' x 12', will arrive during the remainder of the week, spaced an hour or so apart. Several parking spaces on Wyman Park Drive, near San Martin Drive and near Carnegie Way, will be out of service to allow more maneuvering room. Flaggers experienced with these kinds of deliveries will manage traffic. The work will not be done during rush hour or over the Spring Fair weekend. The work will continue the following week if circumstances prevent its being completed by Friday at 3 o'clock.

So, please consider taking other routes during the day next week if possible, and thank you for your patience!

Travers Nelson Program Manager, Design & Construction 443-997-7862