Understanding the Gifted Underachiever and Twice-Exceptional Student

When a bright child struggles in school, it can be extremely confusing and frustrating for parents. Bright underachievers are frequently labeled as "lazy," but they may actually have learning differences that are impeding their success. In this workshop, a licensed psychologist from the JHU Center for Talented Youth's Diagnostic and Counseling Center, will discuss common characteristics of the gifted underachiever and twice-exceptional student. Strategies will be discussed to help these children perform at a level commensurate with their potential.

Tuesday, March 17, HW, noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, EB, noon to 1 p.m.

The Johns Hopkins Shuttle makes frequent runs between both campuses. For more information on shuttle schedules, visit http://ts.jhu.edu/shuttles. Register online or call 443-997-7000.

Visit http://hopkinsworklife.org for information about upcoming workshops and other programs.