MATN Spring 2015 Institute


Thursday, May 14 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration will open at 9 a.m. Johns Hopkins University School of Education/Columbia Campus Columbia, MD 21046

"Chrome in the Classroom: Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners"

According to International Data Corporation (IDC), Chromebooks surpassed iPads in education sales for the first time in the quarter ending in October 2014. More and more schools are moving to this cloud-based learning system. With this paradigm shift, more classroom activities are being completed using technology. What does this shift mean for struggling students? How do educators ensure they are maximizing the use of this technology to support the instruction, not drive the instruction.

This daylong hands-on learning experience will explore the Chrome operating system and the Chromebook platform. Participants will dive deep into the Google Apps for Education suite of tools as well as the built-in accessibility features of Chromebooks.

Participants will experience an array of Google Chrome apps and extensions that could be beneficial to all students. By leveraging the power of this common browser, we can make significant customization to meet the needs of struggling students. Areas covered will include reading, writing, brainstorming, and organization. Through hands-on learning experiences, participants will develop strategies to integrate these powerful tools into the curriculum to promote a Universal Design for Learning classroom by engaging various learning styles.

In order to maximize learning, participants are strongly encouraged to bring a Chrome-equipped computer to the training; however, any operating system will work. The items and activities will be accessible whether on a Chromebook, Windows, or Mac computer. Participants should also have a Google account, in order to access Google Drive and the apps/extensions we will utilize throughout the day.

We also encourage AT coordinators and specialists to invite your IT colleagues to join you at this training. This will be a very interactive day, and the knowledge and expertise of your district IT team member will be helpful in the implementation of Chrome in your schools and districts.

Presenter: Mike Marotta, ATP RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Professional Inclusive Technology Solutions LLC

Mike Marotta is a RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Professional and an AT/EdTech consultant. Mike is also the co-owner of MAK Technology Solutions Inc. Currently, he provides assistive technology assessments and trainings for consumers, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and companies throughout the country.

Registration will be open soon!

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