Join representatives from the Benefits Office to learn about the Johns Hopkins tuition grant. For eligible employees, this generous benefit pays for 50 percent of each dependent child's full-time, undergraduate tuition and universal mandatory academic fees, up to a maximum of one-half of Hopkins' freshman undergraduate tuition. This workshop is appropriate for parents of current high school juniors and seniors. Note that the sessions for JHU and JHH/JHHS staff are separate.
Tuesday, Dec. 9, EB, noon–1 p.m., JHH/JHHS staff Tuesday, Dec. 16, EB, noon–1 p.m., JHU staff Thursday, Dec. 18, HW, noon–1 p.m., JHU staff
You may attend at either location. The Johns Hopkins shuttle makes frequent runs between both campuses. For more information on shuttle schedules, visit
Register online or call 443-997-7000.
Visit for information about upcoming workshops and other programs.