Although an estimated 38 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate, less than 10 percent actually do each year. According to the Red Cross, there are many reasons why donors give blood; for example, "it's the right thing to do," "it's the coolest thing you can do," or to express gratitude to blood donors who helped save a loved one's life. Whatever your reason, consider donating blood this upcoming season of giving!
The Homewood Campus Blood Drive is Nov. 18, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Nov. 19, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m., in the Glass Pavilion, Levering Hall.
To schedule a lifesaving donation, visit
*Drinking plenty of fluids and eating iron-rich foods, such as chicken, eggs, spinach, sweet potatoes, bread, fruit, and beans, during the weeks prior to your scheduled donation will help you have a successful donation!
To check eligibility criteria and get tips on preparing for your blood donation, visit the American Red Cross online or call 1-866-236-3276.
For general questions about the Homewood campus blood drive, email or call 443-997-7000.