IDIES seed funding awardees announced

The IDIES Seed Funding Program RFP was issued for competitive awards of $25,000. The goal of the seed funding initiative is to provide funding for data-intensive computing projects that will involve areas relevant to IDIES and JHU institutional research priorities; are multidisciplinary; and build ideas and teams with good prospects for successful proposals to attract external research support by leveraging IDIES intellectual and physical infrastructure.

The following projects have been selected for the first 2014 round of awards:

  • "SIRENIC: Stream Infrastructure for the Real-time Analysis of Intensive Care Unit Sensor Data" by Yanif Ahmad (Department of Computer Science), Raimond Winslow (Department Biomedical Engineering), and Yair Amir (Department of Computer Science)

  • "Alignment to The Cancer Genome Atlas project raw sequencing reads (8948 samples and counting)" by Sarah Wheelan (Department of Oncology) and Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian (Department of Oncology)

  • "The Elusive Onset of Turbulence and the Laminar-Turbulence Interface" by Tamer A. Zaki (Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Gregory Eyink (Applied Math and Statistics)

  • "Highly Scalable Software for Analyzing Large Collections of RNA Sequencing Data" by Ben Langmead, PhD (Department of Computer Science) and Jeffrey Leek, PhD (Department of Biostatistics)

  • "FragData—High-fidelity Data on Dynamic Fragmentation of Brittle Materials" by Nitin Daphalapurkar (Department of Mechanical Engineering), and Lori Graham-Brady (Department of Civil Engineering)

For additional information and to see when the next seed funding offering will be available visit

The funds available to support this seed funding offering were made possible in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.