Johns Hopkins SAIS programs rise in 'Foreign Policy' magazine rankings

The school's master's programs are ranked second globally in survey of international relations scholars, policymakers, and think tank staffers

Asma Yousef
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Over the past two decades, Foreign Policy magazine has published a reputational ranking of academic programs in international relations. The rankings are based on a survey of international relations practitioners who are asked to list the five best programs in the world for students who want to pursue careers similar to theirs.

In the latest rankings, released July 30, master's programs offered by the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies are ranked No. 2 by all three groups of responders—scholars, policymakers, and think tank staffers. SAIS was No. 3 in the publication's previous rankings.

In addition, the school's PhD program also received high marks as a career path for those going into policy, garnering rankings ranging from No. 3 to No. 5 from the three groups of professionals.

"The Foreign Policy poll reflects that high regard foreign policy professionals have for SAIS graduates," SAIS Dean James B. Steinberg said. "For motivated students looking to make a difference in the world, the SAIS experience is a demonstrated path to achieve their career goals. The ranking is a tribute to our faculty, staff, students, plus alumni and supporters, working together to create our unique educational community."