This year, Johns Hopkins University President Ronald J. Daniels took a new approach to the annual senior class farewell.

Image caption: JHU President Ronald J. Daniels raises a glass to the Class of 2016 at the inaugural Undergraduate Senior Toast on Tuesday night.
Image credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University
The inaugural Undergraduate Senior Toast brought together students, their families, faculty, and administrators for a dessert reception and open house Tuesday evening in the O'Connor Recreation Center. The event featured entertainment by the Archipelago Project, a not-for-profit performance ensemble that brings music education to underserved communities around the world.
"Over the last four years, you've dazzled us with your initiative, with your energy, with your academic achievements, with the work you've done in the community and with your activity on the fields in athletics," Daniels said in toasting the seniors. "And I, on behalf of the university leadership, simply want to say to you how very proud we are of you, and to wish you all the best as you embark on the next stage of your brilliant careers."
Posted in Student Life
Tagged class of 2016, commencement 2016