Well, this is most curious.

Image credit: Will Kirk / Johns Hopkins University
Pink flamingos, hundreds of them, appeared on Johns Hopkins University's Homewood campus on Tuesday and spread out across Keyser Quad.
Homewood, it would seem, falls somewhere along the birds' seasonal migratory path, and so they stopped by on their annual spring journey north. To, uh, Canada. Or Hampden, maybe.
Despite the large size of the flock, the flamingos remain remarkably still and quiet, likely owing to their being very tired from a long trip. Some even lie down for a rest.
But even upon very close examination, they do not flinch or flutter, which is surely an evolved defense mechanism (and a most excellent one at that—a predator could easily mistake these canny, colorful birds for run-of-the-mill lawn ornaments).
By tomorrow, we expect the flamingos will be gone, perhaps having slipped off in the night just as quietly as they arrived.
Fare thee well, beautiful birds. Fly high and be free.
Ah, nature—it really is a wondrous and mysterious thing.
Posted in Student Life
Tagged flamingos and other birds