Carrie Bennett, better known around the Homewood campus as "The Shush Lady," will soon be leaving her post as JHU's community liaison. In that role, Bennett (@ShushLady on Twitter) cruised the neighborhoods near campus in a security vehicle, looking for parties. When she found them, she made sure students weren't playing loud music past 2 a.m., weren't loitering on the front steps, and weren't littering lawns with empty beer cans.
Adam Bednar wrote about Bennett's departure, and her contributions to the community, for the North Baltimore Patch website.
Since 2005, Bennett has been keeping the peace between undergrads and neighbors in surrounding communities. But after the death of her mother this summer, she decided to move to Carlisle, PA to be closer to her father.
"There wasn't a decision to it. My mother passed away unexpectedly in June and my father has some beginning dementia issues, so that's the way it was going to be. I was going to move up and take care of my dad," Bennett said.
But she admitted that leaving the university she has worked at for 20 years is going to be a challenge.
Before becoming community liaison, Bennett spent 12 years as a campus security officer.
Read more from North Baltimore PatchPosted in University News, Student Life, Community
Tagged community, carrie bennett