Exceptional words

  1. Words ending in -logy usually end in -ology. Give three examples of words ending in -alogy. analogy, genealogy, mineralogy

  2. Many nouns end in -tion or -sion. Give three examples of nouns ending in -xion. circumflexion, crucifixion, fluxion

  3. When the sound of the letter t follows the sound of m, the letter p is usually inserted in between (e.g., attempt, prompt, symptom). Give two examples of words where t directly follows m. dreamt, warmth

  4. The prefix in- usually changes to imbefore b, m, or p. Give two examples each of words beginning with inb-, inm-, and inp-. inborn, inbred, etc.; inmate, inmost, etc.; input, inpatient, etc.

  5. Give an example of a two-syllable word ending in -ature that does not rhyme with nature or feature or stature. mature

  6. List two common one-syllable words ending in -eats that rhyme with neither Keats nor Yeats. sweats, threats

  7. What pair of common one-syllable words—which are direct opposites when used as adjectives, but less commonly when used as verbs—are synonyms? As adjectives, best and worst are opposites, but as verbs, to best (the other team) and to worst (the other team) both mean "to defeat."

  8. Some words can be their own opposites. What noun can mean either "supervision" or the complete lack thereof? oversight