Novel Graphics
I picked up my copy of Johns Hopkins Magazine last week and was so moved by the article "Wave Hunters" [Spring] that I wanted to compliment the authors, Julie Scharper and Josh Cochran. Since my graduation in 1980, this article is the most novel I have seen in the magazine in nearly 36 years. I usually don't have time to wade through each issue of the magazine to get the content of the many interesting articles. I skim the issue for articles of interest, then try to find the time to read them later. "Wave Hunters" was different. Its use of an eye-catching cartoon visual format with minimal verbiage led me to appreciate the content in its entirety, capturing all of it in a fraction of the time it takes to read an article and have an understanding of the concepts. Congratulations to these authors for this highly appealing and simple format and its facilitated access to my brain. I would like to see more articles like this.
Paul G. Harch, Med '80
New Orleans
His Contribution?
The letter to the editor written by William Nichols ["Procreation Policy," Dialogue, Spring] at first had me thinking that Mr. Nichols lacks compassion. Then I realized he describes himself as a liberal. May I assume, therefore, that he is out on the streets of Baltimore teaching young men about safe sex and responsibility? That he is writing politicians urging them to support Planned Parenthood? Working to ensure that foster homes are safe and that foster children are adopted? Lobbying to change the regulations that favor single mothers above two-parent households? Mr. Nichols says that "Johns Hopkins does little to address this very real problem." I wonder how much he is doing himself.
Elizabeth Corwin, SAIS Bol '82 (Cert), A&S '83
Tampa, Florida
With Gratitude
I read the story about Dr. Edward Held, Med '26, with great interest ["Devotion Becomes Opportunity," Alumni, Spring]. I was brought up in Hempstead, New York, and he was our family doctor for many years. This article unleashed a floodgate of memories. I remember that he came to our house and diagnosed my older sister's measles while she was lying on our piano bench. He tended to me when I stepped on a rusty nail. He also was very attentive to our family during my father's final illness in 1963. He taught me how to give a morphine injection should that become necessary. (It didn't.) He also said that he would be available anytime except Sunday morning, when he took a bike ride. I did not know that he had gone to Johns Hopkins but am pleased that he is getting the recognition a committed family doctor is due.
Mary (Hengstenberg) Grossman
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The opinions in these letters do not necessarily reflect the views of the magazine's editorial staff.
Posted in Voices+Opinion