The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Racial diversity surged at Johns Hopkins in the last decade. Will it last?

The university dropped ‘legacy’ preferences for children of alumni while boosting financial aid and outreach

August 29, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Brian Robinson, a Johns Hopkins University freshman, walks with other incoming students on the campus in Baltimore. (Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)
11 min

Brian Robinson waded into a crowd of first-year classmates on the quad at Johns Hopkins University, squeezing in amid a jumble of baseball hats, hijabs, neon curls and tattered knit caps. He cheered with the others as a drone buzzed overhead to record their formation spelling out “JHU 27.”

The 18-year-old from Houston, with ambitions of becoming a scientist and neurosurgeon, had wondered whether he would fit in at the private research university in Baltimore. He came from an urban public school where nearly all the students, like him, are Black. His family had pushed him to go to college close to home.